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Please consider making a tax-deductible financial contribution to RoundtableRx. We are a registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization and rely on generous donations and grants to support our work.
Your gift supports our mission to offer safe and affordable medication to Minnesotans in need, provide continuity of care and reduce waste by redistributing unused medications.
Ways to give to RoundtableRx
Give Online
We can accept online donations through our 4giving fundraising page. Click the donate button below!
Mail a Check
RoundtableRx accepts monetary check donations. Please make checks payable to Minnesota Medication Repository Program and mail them to:
2112 Broadway Street NE
Suite 230
Minneapolis, MN, 55413
* DO NOT send unapproved medication donations to this address. They CANNOT be accepted and will be returned to you. To learn how to donate medications, please visit this page.*
Thank you for your support!
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